The railroad primarily used "Ten
Wheeler" 4-6-0 and
Consolidation (2-8-0) type locomotives, primarily manufactured by
and Baldwin Locomotive Works. The railroad's first four locomotives
were purchased in used condition. The railroad would later purchase 12
additional new locomotives. Upon abandonment of the railroad in
1917/1918, these locomotives were sold to the Northwestern Pacific
Railroad, the Los Angeles and Salt Lake Railroad and the San Diego and Ari
The railroad had 3 passenger cars and one of them, a Harriman
type chair car #30, was built in 1907 by the Pullman Company. Today,
that car is pending restoration at the Nevada State Railroad Museum.
The LV&T depot at Rhyolite still remains. It was
constructed in 1909 at a cost of $130,000
zona Railroad.
Ten Wheeler 4-6-0

Consolidation 2-8-0
