this is the well remembered FAMILY CAR
It was purchased in Hector, Minnesota after the transmission in their
great big Pontiac
Starchief gave out.
Because Bryan and Kelly were very young it was decided a two door was
It was with them when they moved to
Waldron, Mi.; Perry, Mi.; Freeport, Il.; Gassville, AR.; Mountain
Home, AR. and Kingman, AZ.
The photo above was taken on the move to Bellevue, WA. where it was
eventually traded in.
Notice how rusty the good ole car was. Even the floor boards were
rusted out.
When driving on a trip north of Kingman on a NON-Paved road, the dust
filled the car.
They had to leave the windows open just to breath.
But there was one thrill to be had with this ole car.
Vern took Bryan and his neighbor friend out east of Kingman on the new
Interstate highway.
Going back, it was down hill all the way and no traffice in sight.
Yup! We got her up to 100 miles per hour. the boys were silent.
The photo above was Bryan's first sighting of the ocean.
Inside was two rabbits and two parrsquets.
Letha and Kelly had flown to Bellevue and resting nicely.
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