7 Rocky Drive, Belleville, Illinois

A place where young couples have their the first home that they own. Vern and Letha made friends here, that we still communicate with. One was a Airforce officer named Jerry who lived just to the left, in the photo below. We have lost contact with him.
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We parked our mobile home here on February 1, 1965 and moved it in July of 1966 to property we purchased in NEW MINDEN, Illinois. We had a lot of fun here with our new friends. Our families from Michigan visited also.

The neighbor, straight across the steet was a different story, being another Airforce officer with his wife.
We think she was crazy. She threw rocks at our house and we never found out why.

The neighbor to the right, we will NEVER FORGET. They seemed very nice. One day the husband brought mis-delivered mail to Letha. It soon came out that he was a MURDERER.

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