Conduit Drawings are NOT UP TO DATE - A Challage that Vern could help with.


The Cable & Wire Designers have always provided required facilities on each project. They do this on time and with good quality. However, extra time and effort has been needed when records could not be located or were incorrect. I would like to help the designers by bringing all their records up to date.

I was asked to reproduce lost electronic manhole drawings in Everett as displayed on existing paper drawings. It was necessary to jump back and forth between 3 or 4 different drawings in order to make sure that the data was correct. This was time consuming and difficult, but something that I am well suited to do. My entire career is based on my appreciation for detail. For the best example of my skills in this area please read chapter six of my book, "Telephone Plant Records.” You can find it online at:

This project could include, Links to the existing BUILDING CIRCUIT Web Pages.

Follow the thoughts through EVERETT CAMPUS in example below:

Cable & Wire

Vern has re-created
LOST  Man Hole Drawings
in the North One/Third
of the area - Click NORTH

You can link to
drawings as PDF files
through this EXAMPLE

Larger AutoCad file
links, are also provided

The other sites have
 one map - only

There is NO LINK
 to this web page.